We empower Excel users to create innovative online forms to support businesses. Our forms are called Wraps, not Apps, because they are simply Excel workbooks wrapped in our transformational technology. Wraps respond immediately, just like a spreadsheet, but also include ‘beyond’ Excel features like digital signatures, media uploads, GPS mapping and all the controls you’ll expect in the best modern apps. We provide a website to deploy wraps and we support any device (PC, tablet or smartphone). Remote users login to the site where information gathered in wraps is immediately available in 'MyWraps' reports with zooming charts. Sensitive information is restricted by assigning user roles. We take care of hosting, site security and data backups. We support our clients directly at their desktops using remote access tools ensuring that anyone can harness our technology immediately and without the support of IT professionals. Visit the site.

Design your Wraps in Excel and deploy through your own sub-domain.
Wraps deployed over internet (to PC, tablet or smartphone).
Wraps fill our cloud database.
Live data interrogation.
Fully hosted solution.
Powerful business solutions that only requires a knowledge of Excel.

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