The list below shows the top site calculation authors (the most prolific author listed first). Follow the links to see what each author has published at ExcelCalcs. Authors can change any details shown on this page or their profile page by selecting the "Profile" link from user menu.

1 John Doyle United Kingdom
2 Alex Tomanovich United States
3 Turan Babacan Turkey
4 Conrad Harrison Australia
5 Mohamed Abu Shady Egypt
6 David Levy United States
8 Mike Jones United States
9 Roland Cranford United States
10 Michael Haise United States
12 Bernard Barnéoud Canada
13 Rahul United States of America
14 David United States of America
15 imaduddin United Arab Emirates
16 Yakov Polyakov United States of America
17 David Backhouse United Kingdom
18 Roger Attwood United Kingdom
19 Dennis Kirk-Burnnand Australia
20 Steven Capri
21 Maiwand Khan Afghanistan
22 yener Turkey
23 Farid TATA France
24 James OReilly Canada
25 Doug United States of America
26 Will Van Leeuwen Australia
27 Raymundo N. Pescadero Canada
28 Nasrul M Asral Malaysia
29 LEKHRAJ Mauritius
30 Clyde Hancock United States of America
31 Dino Canada
32 Sureshbabu Narayanasamy India
33 Miguel De Avila United States
34 Liiban Affi United States of America
35 Chris Caruso United States of America
36 Richard Fernandez Philippines
37 nazmi Malaysia
38 Rami Alfuqaha Jordan
39 Eam B Philippines
40 Youhai wang Canada
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