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  • Member Since 8 years ago
  • Last Online 6 years ago
  • Last Upload 6 years ago

imaduddin xxx

You have uploaded 19 files into the ExcelCalcs Repository. Thank you very much for your contribution.

Uploaded Total Downloads Average Rating Repository Download
Uploaded 2017 Nov. 20 Total Downloads 82 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. SLABLESS STAIR DESIGN. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2017 Nov. 20 Total Downloads 240 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. DESIGN OF CANTILEVER RETAINING WALL PER ACI318-05. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2017 Nov. 20 Total Downloads 121 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. MINIMUM THICKNESS OF SOLID SLAB 318 - 08). File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2017 Nov. 20 Total Downloads 135 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. Spiral Staircase design. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2017 Nov. 20 Total Downloads 117 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. Beam design Check. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2016 Nov. 07 Total Downloads 59 This file is located in the Misc. Topics folder. SIZE QUANTITY AND COST FOR BUILDING WORKS. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2016 Nov. 07 Total Downloads 78 This file is located in the Misc. Topics folder. Construction Safety Inspection Checklist. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2016 Jun. 26 Total Downloads 294 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. Footing design. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2016 Jun. 26 Total Downloads 245 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. Design of RCC structure. File version 1.0.

A total of 9 unique files.

Your uploads account for 0.4% of all site downloads.

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