• Country United States
  • State MS
  • Member Since 10 years ago
  • Last Online 11 months ago
  • Last Upload 1 year ago

Roland Cranford

You have uploaded 19 files into the ExcelCalcs Repository. Thank you very much for your contribution.

Uploaded Total Downloads Average Rating Repository Download
Uploaded 2016 Oct. 14 Total Downloads 112 This file is located in the Bolts and Threads folder. Bolt Stress MIL-HDBK-5. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2016 May. 21 Total Downloads 62 This file is located in the Ropes and Cables folder. Tension in slings with soft top loop. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2015 Jan. 30 Total Downloads 408 This file is located in the Beams folder. Beam Moment and Shear. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2014 Sep. 08 Total Downloads 221 This file is located in the Bolts and Threads folder. US Bolt Calculator. File version 2.0.
Uploaded 2014 Sep. 01 Total Downloads 43 This file is located in the Materials folder. composite overlap distance. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Aug. 11 Total Downloads 89 This file is located in the Motion folder. Machinery's Handbook Motion with Constant Acceleration. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Aug. 07 Total Downloads 117 This file is located in the Stress folder. Principal Stress Calculator. File version 2.0.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 30 Total Downloads 123 This file is located in the Finance folder. Bill Pay Sheet (weekly). File version 3.1.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 25 Total Downloads 19 This file is located in the Misc. Topics folder. Mixed Gas Diving Calculator. File version 2.0.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 25 Total Downloads 197 This file is located in the Ropes and Cables folder. Tension in Lifting Slings. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 19 Total Downloads 95 This file is located in the Materials folder. Sandwich Composite Plates. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 19 Total Downloads 72 This file is located in the Materials folder. Composite Micromechanics. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 19 Total Downloads 93 This file is located in the Plates folder. Composite Laminated Plate. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 11 Total Downloads 80 This file is located in the Buckling folder. Pipe Stanchions. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 11 Total Downloads 192 This file is located in the Welds folder. Aluminum Design Manual Welding. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 11 Total Downloads 172 This file is located in the Bolts and Threads folder. Eccentric Loaded Bolted Joint. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 11 Total Downloads 53 This file is located in the Pins and Joints folder. Hatch/Door Actuator Design. File version 1.0.

A total of 17 unique files.

Your uploads account for 0.6% of all site downloads.

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