• Country United States
  • State MO
  • Member Since 17 years ago
  • Last Online 1 month ago
  • Last Upload 5 years ago

Mike Jones

You have uploaded 18 files into the ExcelCalcs Repository. Thank you very much for your contribution.

Uploaded Total Downloads Average Rating Repository Download
Uploaded 2019 Mar. 11 Total Downloads 38 This file is located in the Misc. Topics folder. Steel Material List. File version 0.95.
Uploaded 2017 Aug. 14 Total Downloads 102 This file is located in the Plates folder. Extension Link Check. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2016 Jul. 19 Total Downloads 19 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. Environmental loading on aluminum rigid bus. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2016 Apr. 11 Total Downloads 126 This file is located in the Stress folder. AISC 14TH - ROUND HSS AND PIPE. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2016 Jan. 19 Total Downloads 74 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. Switch Stand Loading (Wind and Seismic). File version 1.01.
Uploaded 2015 Apr. 03 Total Downloads 101 This file is located in the Beams folder. Cantilevered Pipe Connection. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2015 Mar. 25 Total Downloads 45 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. Switch Stand Ice Analysis. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Jul. 10 Total Downloads 91 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. BLANK-VortexShedding.xlsx. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Mar. 28 Total Downloads 142 This file is located in the Structural Details folder. Wind Loading on a Flexible Steel Member. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2013 Aug. 21 Total Downloads 787 This file is located in the Structural Details folder. Anchor Bolt anchorage. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2013 Apr. 15 Total Downloads 50 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. Three Phase Switch Stand. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2012 Oct. 02 Total Downloads 545 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. Transmission Line Single Pole Analysis. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2012 Mar. 29 Total Downloads 117 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. TH-10V4X Analysis. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2012 Mar. 29 Total Downloads 129 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. Rigid Bus Support Structure. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2010 Jun. 21 Total Downloads 336 This file is located in the Beams folder. Flexure and Torsion of Single Angles. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2010 Jan. 22 Total Downloads 225 This file is located in the Structural Details folder. Coped W-Beam seat. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2009 May. 11 Total Downloads 162 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. Corbel Design (CBDM). File version 1.0.

A total of 17 unique files.

Your uploads account for 0.9% of all site downloads.

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