• Country United Kingdom
  • State EN
  • Member Since 10 years ago
  • Last Online 2 months ago
  • Last Upload 1 year ago

Roger Attwood

A Chartered Civil and Structural Engineer (UK, and lapsed HK) who can remember a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth and computers were the size of 'fridges. For over forty years I have worked for engineering consultancies and main contractors, in the UK and overseas, designing and managing design of steel, concrete, timber, masonry and temporary works (from earthworks to lifting - the lot.......) Now retired and treating work like a hobby, and enjoying every minute.

You have uploaded 8 files into the ExcelCalcs Repository. Thank you very much for your contribution.

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Uploaded 2023 Jan. 04 Total Downloads 53 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. Bearing Capacity in multi-layer soils. File version B3W.
Uploaded 2023 Jan. 04 Total Downloads 22 This file is located in the Wood folder. Timber - Beams to EC5. File version A1.
Uploaded 2023 Jan. 04 Total Downloads 17 This file is located in the Wood folder. Timber - Rafters and Joists to EC5. File version 1A.
Uploaded 2022 May. 31 Total Downloads 23 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. Actions from Wind to BS EN 1991-1-4 and UKNA. File version A2W.
Uploaded 2022 May. 31 Total Downloads 9 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. Orography Factor to BS EN 1991-1-4 and UKNA. File version A2W.
Uploaded 2020 Nov. 27 Total Downloads 48 This file is located in the Strength folder. Active and Passive coefficients of earth pressure to EC7. File version D4W.
Uploaded 2020 Nov. 04 Total Downloads 15 This file is located in the Rainfall folder. Soakaway Design to BRE Digest 365 2016. File version B1W.
Uploaded 2020 Oct. 19 Total Downloads 20 This file is located in the Geometry folder. Properties of a general polygon. File version B1W.

A total of 8 unique files.

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