• Country Australia
  • State WA
  • Member Since 15 years ago
  • Last Online 4 weeks ago
  • Last Upload 1 year ago

Dennis Kirk-Burnnand

You have uploaded 8 files into the ExcelCalcs Repository. Thank you very much for your contribution.

Uploaded Total Downloads Average Rating Repository Download
Uploaded 2019 Mar. 30 Total Downloads 76 This file is located in the Piping folder. Pipe Flow Crane. File version 2.000.
Uploaded 2019 Mar. 30 Total Downloads 88 This file is located in the Piping folder. Piping Pressure Drop - Crane. File version 2.000.
Uploaded 2018 May. 25 Total Downloads 31 This file is located in the Radiation folder. Solar Radiation Intensity on Earth. File version 1.2.
Uploaded 2015 Aug. 03 Total Downloads 68 This file is located in the Piping folder. DKE_PipingVibration_MainLines.xlsx. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2015 Jul. 23 Total Downloads 79 This file is located in the Misc. Topics folder. DKE_MyGantt. File version 1.200.
Uploaded 2015 Jul. 10 Total Downloads 47 This file is located in the Misc. Topics folder. Calculation Template (Small). File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2015 Jul. 10 Total Downloads 91 This file is located in the Misc. Topics folder. Calculation Template (Full). File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2015 Jul. 01 Total Downloads 64 This file is located in the Piping folder. Vibration within piping downstream of high pressure cut control valves and regulators. File version 1.0.

A total of 8 unique files.

Your uploads account for 0.2% of all site downloads.

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