
Liquefaction Induced Calculation During Earthquakes
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to analyse liquefaction induced settlement during earthquakes
Calculation Reference
'Soil Liqufaction During Earthquakes', EERI Monogram MNO-12, by I.M. Idriss and R.W. Boulanger, 2008.
Calculation Validation
Appendix A and C: Example of SPT-based liquefaction trigering analysis for a single boring, 'Soil Liqufaction During Earthquakes', EERI Monogram MNO-12, by I.M. Idriss and R.W. Boulanger, 2008.
Input Parameters:
Peak Ground Acceleration =
Earthquake Magnitude =
Water Table Depth =
Average ? Above Water Table =
Average ? Below Water Table =
Borehole Diameter =
Requires Correction for Sampler Liners (YES/NO):
Rod Lenghts Assumed Equal to the Depth plus 1.5 m (for the above ground extension).
Calculation Reference
Liquefaction Earthquake
Soil Liqufaction During Earthquakes
Earthquake Engineering
'Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes' is an EERI (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute) Monograph, MNO-12, authored by I.M. Idriss and R.W. Boulanger, published in 2008. The monograph is a comprehensive resource on the topic of soil liquefaction, its occurrence, and its effects on structures during earthquakes. It aims to provide a practical understanding of the phenomenon, the associated risks, and the latest methods for evaluating liquefaction potential.
The monograph is divided into several chapters, covering topics such as:
Introduction: A brief overview of the phenomenon of soil liquefaction and its significance during earthquakes.
Liquefaction mechanism: Explanation of the process of soil liquefaction, including the factors that contribute to its occurrence, such as soil type, groundwater conditions, and seismic loading.
Field performance: A discussion of various case histories illustrating the effects of soil liquefaction on structures, including examples of successful and unsuccessful performance.
Liquefaction potential evaluation: Presentation of the current state of the art methods for assessing the liquefaction potential of soils, including simplified procedures, laboratory testing, and advanced numerical modeling techniques.
Post-liquefaction strength and deformations: Analysis of the residual strength and deformation behavior of liquefied soils and their impact on structures.
Mitigation measures: Overview of various ground improvement techniques and design strategies for mitigating the effects of soil liquefaction on structures.
Performance-based earthquake engineering: Introduction to the performance-based earthquake engineering approach and its application to soil liquefaction problems.
'Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes' serves as a valuable reference for researchers, engineers, and students working in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering. It provides a thorough understanding of the phenomenon of soil liquefaction and offers practical guidance for evaluating and mitigating its effects on structures during earthquakes.
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