Screwjack effects of wear on thread stripping load

Purpose of calculation:
Calculate thread stripping load on ACME leadscrew
Determine effects of wear on thread stripping load.
This calculation is featured as a case study.
Calculation Validation
Check against manufacturers recommendations
Select Acme Leadscrew thread Size (dia. - threads per inch)
- Leadscrew Dimensions
Outside diameter of thread
Thread Pitch
Inside diameter of thread
Manufacterer's (Roton) Static Load Rating
Manufacterer's (Roton) Operating Load Rating
Thread angle
Shear thickness per thread
- Estimate wear allowance
Maximum clearance and wear allowed
Nut/collar thickness
Shear Area
- Nut material properties and nut shear strength calculation
Calculated operating load
Correlation between calculated and manufacturers value
- Calculate normal loading with maximum allowable load nut wear
Force on leadscrew
Operating load
- Calculate wear for nut thread stripping
Critical Clearance/Wear Limit for nut stripping
Amount of wear for nut stripping
- Estimate Wear
Bearing stress
Rubbing Distance
Surface Hardness (Brinell Hardness in kg/mm2 convered to psi)
Wear Coefficients from ExcelCalcs Repository
Unlubricated wear depth in 6 months - Ref. Juvinall Eqn. (9.1)
Time to unlubricated load nut failure
Lubricated wear depth in 6 months
Time to lubricated load nut failureCalculation Reference
Fundamentals Of Machine Component Design - Juvinall
Machinery's Handbook
Mechanical Engineers' Handbook
Schaum's Outline - Machine Design
Calculation Preview
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