Lifting lug calcs.xls
Check lug shear stress.
Check Bending and tension stress.
Check bearing stress.
Check weld size.
Calculation Reference
Machine Design
Strength of Welds
Design of Lifting Equipment
Calculation Preview
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Comments: 5
3 years ago
The equation seems appropriate. My concern is the coding in the excel spreadsheet in which leaving out the parenthesis makes a significant difference.
12 years ago
I am sorry pgrahn I thought it was a question only relating to cell D59 regarding the combined stress but I now realise the question relates to cell D31 and I must say I am a little perplexed too. The first two terms seem fine but I am not at all sure what the third term in the equation is doing. To my mind there seems to be confusion between the resultant force Fr and vertical and horizontal components Fv and Fh. I hope that the author shaberli can shed some light on the calculation but I would be extremely cautious about its use in my own calculations. There are many other lug calculations on the site with good ratings and feedback perhaps you should take a look to them?
13 years ago
The formula for combined stress seems to be an approximation for either the maximum principle stress or twice the maximum shear stress. Both of which are used for failure criterion. I do not think it is a mistake. You could study further using [Biaxial Stress Assessment.xls](,com_remository/func,fileinfo/id,363/). A set of brackets is redundant in the formula but this matters little to the result. It will be interesting to see calculation author's comments.
13 years ago
Hi I am an ExcelCalcs website administrator. Could you explain the problem you are having and I can try to help you. What are you trying to do?
barangeravindra emailed saying:
We try to help as best we can but we simply do not have enough time to answer such detailed questions from free subscribers. However our calculations previews in this folder show the equations you are looking for. Please feel free to copy the formulas into your own spreadsheet.
barangeravindra emailed saying:
We try to help as best we can but we simply do not have enough time to answer such detailed questions from free subscribers. However our calculations previews in this folder show the equations you are looking for. Please feel free to copy the formulas into your own spreadsheet.