"BEAMANAL.xls" is a MS-Excel spreadsheet workbook for the analysis of single-span beams (simple, propped, fixed, or cantilever) and continuous beams of up to 5 spans. The user may apply point, uniform, and varying loads, as well as applied moments. Shear, moment, slope (rotation), and deflection are computed as well as the end reactions. Shear and moment diagrams are also plotted. There is an addtional worksheet for single-span beams that also performs AISC 9th Edition Code checks for strong-axis bending (only) as well as shear.
All the worksheets are independent and self contained, so that you can move them from one workbook to another. All the worksheets are protected, but not with a password.
Please read the "DOC" worksheet for program details as well as assumptions and limitations.
Metric version is also available .
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I'm glad it's been cleared up for you now. By the way, the 2 places for input off of the worksheet to the right are merely to allow the user to select either one or two optional locations along the beam span that may not be defined by either point loads, point moments, or the 50 beam segments.
Thanks for the offer, but I have always freely shared all of my spreadsheets. It's my way of giving back to my profession, which has been good to me. However, I'm sure that John would appreciate you either purchasing a membership or donating your own work to this website. The more people that contribute, the better it is for us all.
I believe that you're not clear as to what my "BEAMANAL.xls" spreadsheet is displaying for results. The spreadsheet determines and displays the MAXIMUM deflection in the span. In your case of a simply supported beam with a concentrated load at ANY point between the supports, the formula is for the deflection at the location of the load. For a load not at mid span of the beam, the maximum deflection is not at the load point. The deflection is only the maximum when the load is at mid span. If you'll go off to the right of the calculation page, you can user input any location for the results to be determined, and if you input the distance as the distance to the non-centered load, you will get the correct deflection at the load location.
I do have a metric units version. Look for the file BEAMANAL (metric).xls under Strength / Beams on this website.
Be patient! The default number of spans is = 2 when I distribute this workbook. Thus, if you input a number of spans, say 3, which is greater than the already existing data for each span length and moment of inertia, it will "TEMPORARILY" display the #DIV/0 error message, since "L" and "I" have not yet been defined for anything greater than 2 spans. Once you have defined "L" and "I" for every span of your continuous beam, then the error messages will disappear. In summary, the input data for the number of individual beam spans needs to be consistent with the number of spans selected.
I have a similar problem in the in the "Continuos-Span Beam" worksheet of the "BEAMANAL.xls. I discovered that if I select a No. of Spams greater than 2, the program give a "#DIV/0" error message for the results of support moments and reactions.
I don't know if I'm using the sheet in a incorrect way or in fact there is a mistake in the sheet.
I'll appreciate your response and support. Thank you very much.
Similar to the change that I made in some of the other workbooks related to structural srteel design, I removed the input data validation which originally limited the user to specific values of Fy =33, 36, or 50 ksi.
The updated workbook is now version 2.4.
Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
In the user input data cells for distributed/partial distributed loads, my original intent was to place input data validation on the user input values of the end distances, "e", for the distributed loads, such that "e" must be >= "b", which would prevent the user from entering bogus values for "e". The input data validation for the "e" values should have each been tied to the appropriate cell for the beginning distance, "b". Problem was, I had all of the "e" distance cells tied to the "b" distance for only the first distributed load. I have made the corrections in the worksheets as required.
The workbook is now version 2.3.
workbook, it was discovered that if the user selected a channel shape and input a value = 0 for the unbraced length (Lb) for bending, the program would give you a "#DIV/0" error message.
This has now been corrected. What the program does is check if the user input value is <= 1' and if so it uses a value of Lb = 1'. I had already used this same logic for the W and S shapes in the beam size selection pick box, but obviously forgot to use it for channels as well. Of course, there was always the work around of inputting a small value > 0 for the unbraced length.