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  • Member Since 4 years ago
  • Last Online 9 months ago
  • Last Upload 4 years ago

Ahmed Toukhy

+ 15 years of extensive experience in wide range of Structural engineering field, design and analysis for different types of structures.
Hands-on experience in Concrete buildings , Steel structures ,Water structures and Sewage treatment plants, Piping ,Tall buildings, Temporary/False work structures , Shoring ,Special structures.
Lead activities of large scale projects, skilled in project coordination among other disciplines, handling project design and construction coordination drawings.

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Uploaded 2020 May. 19 Total Downloads 159 This file is located in the Beams folder. ACI-318'14 Beam Design [ Flexural,Shear,Torsion and Deflection ] (Imperial/Metric). File version 1.01.

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