ImageEveryone likes XLC! - ExcelCalcs has been up and running for less than two months and already 1931 people have down loaded XLC and our user surveys show an extremely positive response. There have been 5192 unique visitors to the site (2.03 visits/visitor and 35.58 hits/visit) so users are coming back to browse the repository.

Poor site participation - Despite the numerous site visits I am a bit disappointed that relatively few people have chosen to join in the forum discussions or upload calculations into the repository - maybe this is the nature of the Internet - many takers and few contributors. I am genuinely delighted when users make contributions so make someone happy today by posting a reply in the forum or send me into a state of ecstasy by uploading a calculation!

Thanks for spreading the word!
- 1% of users arrived at ExcelCalcs via a search engine, 18% have followed a link from another website but 81% of users arrive following a direct link this is users recommending the site to friends and colleagues. Objective number 1 is to get the site known so thanks for your help - we could not do this without you please continue!

We have our troubles too!
- The site email software went crazy and started sending multiple copies of email to some users. Apologies to anyone who has been hit by this I am currently trying to restrain it! Our online Amazon affiliate store has also gone down and some of our users have said they would prefer to go shop directly on Amazon. The google search engine seems to be getting lost in the ExcelCalcs store and my service provider has complained of overloads from the google search robots. I am currently re-thinking our Amazon strategy. Please bear with me whilst I iron out these bugs. Don't forget to report in any bugs you may have come across on the site in the Forum .
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