HitachiWraps Open Day Feedback - We were very pleased to look through the positive comments in your feedback wraps. On Friday immediately after the event we were asked to present to the Unipart board so I guess it could not be more positive than this. A cross section of organisations across the railway industry attended the day and the feedback helped us understand what Wrap solutions appealed to what types of organisations. Our findings are summarised below:


Train condition (implications on asset value)

Data exploitation (e.g. life extension)

Document submission

Work flow, competence management and signoff

Defect Reporting

Expert Knowledge

ROSCO - Rolling Stock Operating Companies

TOC - Train Operating Companies

Main Contractors


The most popular solution is our work flow, competence management and signoff solution. This struck a particular resonance with TOCs (Train Operating Companies) with regard to their safety case responsibilities and is a story we will develop at future events. We learned that attendees felt there were enough people with sufficient Excel skills in their organisations to deliver the solution and that there is a high demand to move towards tablet/smart phone technologies. We also were asked to reconsider our pricing model so that it is less sensitive to number of wraps and we are considering linking pricing to data volume. We were slightly embarrassed when our feedback wrap would not work on a few devices. Further investigation found this was due to out of date browsers or operating systems. We’ll ask future attendees to update their browsers before the event.

Make your first Wrap? - As all attendees have login accounts on we thought that you might be interested to test a wrap of your own. All you have to do is send us a spreadsheet and we will convert it to a wrap. We’ll happily export any data collected by your wrap if this would be useful to you.

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