The ExcelCalcs Repository and Forum are now dynamically linked which means that the site features are much more powerful for both users and authors of calculations.

Notification of Calculation Changes - You can subscribe to the forum topics to receive emails when the file is updated or when a user raises a comment.

Select Favourite Calculations - We all have different areas of interest so now you can select your favourite calculations in the Forum. When you view 'My Profile' in the forum all your personal favourites will be listed.

Improved Calculation Repository Comments - Previously users have only been able to leave comments now other users or the calculation author gets a chance to reply.

Feedback for Authors - Authors tell us that receiving user feedback is a prime motivator to upload calculations. They use feedback to endorse, correct or improve their calculations. They also like to be thanked for their work. Users are guided to good site content following ratings and comments so always rate and comment on your downloads.

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