Ongoing RepairsWe are grateful to users who report in problems via the site forum. Your feedback is essential for our ongoing improvement program. A couple of small items have been recently fixed so if you want to have the most up to date version of XLC install version 03_08 build 03. It has just been uploaded today.

There is constant repair work in the Repository too. Alex Tomanovich has made some improvements to a couple of his spreadsheets. See the Repository New Section below. 

XLC Issues
    Topics Replies Views Last Post [X]
Read Topic default.gif 5 339
2008/04/07 23:17 by JohnDoyle Show most recent message
Read Topic default.gif 2 17
2008/04/07 15:21 by JohnDoyle Show most recent message


Repository News 

Updated FileJOIST.xls

What I have been doing lately - Sorry it has been a few weeks since I managed to get a newsletter out I have been away skiing in Switzerland with my family. I managed to read Lance Armstrong's autobiography a remarkable account of how the same drive and will power that gave him so much sucess in cycling was used to overcome his battle with cancer.

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