Solving Structural Integrity Problems We have been asked by a client to prepare a two day training course designed to help practising engineers understand and avoid common problems with engineering structures. We will take real world examples and failure case studies to understand the engineering principles governing the structural integrity of welded fabrications. We reduce complex mathematics to simple hand calculations using Excel workbooks so that engineers at all levels can understand the concepts covered. Attendees will learn about sizing structural members, the characteristics of weld material and how to size welds for both static and fatigue strength. They will know how to assess risk to structural integrity and devise corrective actions when cracks are detected in engineering structures. Download the course brochure and syllabus here and please contact us if you would also like us to present the course for your organisation too.

Repository News

Uploaded Repository Folder, Calculation link, Author Details and Calculation Version History
2011 Mar. 21 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder.  Bearing Capacity by stuart1 review version history.
2011 Mar. 21 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder.  AXIAL AND LATERAL LOAD PILES (FEM) by BABACAN review version history.
2011 Mar. 21 This file is located in the Structural Details folder.  Angle Section Properties by docapri review version history.
2011 Mar. 21 This file is located in the Misc. Topics folder.  08 Gantt.xls by AFingle review version history.
2011 Mar. 21 This file is located in the Pins and Joints folder.  Lifting lug calcs.xls by shaberli review version history.
2011 Mar. 21 This file is located in the Pins and Joints folder.  Pin and Lug - Static and Fatigue.xls by JohnDoyle review version history.
2011 Mar. 21 This file is located in the Pins and Joints folder.  Pin and Lug.xls by JohnDoyle review version history.
2011 Mar. 18 This file is located in the Add-Ins folder.  XLC addin for MS Excel by JohnDoyle review version history.
2011 Mar. 17 This file is located in the Fluid Mechanics folder.  R134A.xls by AFingle review version history.
2011 Mar. 17 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder.  Member Design - Reinforced Concrete Beam BS8110.xls by Sreejit review version history.
2011 Mar. 17 This file is located in the Structural Details folder.  Member Design - Steel BeamColumn BS5950.xls by Sreejit review version history.


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