LOG10 fuctionalityExcelCalcs user gduncan wrote an idea in the 'User Suggestions ' area of the forum. LOG10() functions caused a problem for XLC because it contains letter and numbers. This problem is resolved in the latest version 01.08.0005 and it is available for download. Installation simply overwrites previous versions of XLC. The same issue is resolved for Atan2(), MDet3(), Sumx2my2(), Sumx2py2(), sumxmy2() and SysLin3().

Recommended reading from ExcelCalcs users are now being displayed at the bottom of any ExcelCalcs page. They are all linked to Amazon so you can pick up the books with ease. Add your recommendations here.

Repository News


FileContact Stress Sphere.xls

The following calculation presents an analysis of Hertzian contact stresses when a sphere is pressed against a surface (flat, convex and concave surfaces are considered). Hertzian contact problems require the dimensions of the area of contact are small compared to the radii of curvature of the contacting surfaces near the region of contact. Hertzian bearing pressure distibution is assumed to be a quadratic functions in the region of contact.



Spreadsheet King AlexTomanovich proved that even he is not infallible as he corrected a small mistake in this repository file. It is updated to version 1.4.


What John Doyle did last week? I went to see the film ‘The Kite Runner’. Having enjoyed the book I was pleased that the film was a very good adaptation. I highly recommend it. The unusually warm weather in the UK allowed me to cycle in the Yorkshire dales at the weekend (some of our hills are pretty steep). I have been embroiled in a screw jack lift safety assessment. Some of the thread mechanics downloads from ExcelCalcs came in handy. I have also been reviewing a investigation into residual stresses in thin wires when they are wrapped around cables to provide cable armour.

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