We have shown how ExcelCalcs helps disseminate expert knowledge and  promotes good practise throughout their organisation. We are delighted to announce that any JCB employee can have an XLC Pro (12M) subscription. We have worked with their system administrators so that the software can be easily deployed throughout their organisation. In every corner of the world you'll find a JCB machine. JCB is one of the world's top three manufacturers of construction equipment. They employ over 8,000 people on 4 continents and they sell their products in 150 countries. Throughout their 62 year history, they have always invested heavily in research and development, keeping JCB at the cutting edge of innovation.

Some key points arising from our meetings with the JCB management team:
Image● XLC builds on existing Excel Skills.
● You are never tied in to ExcelCalcs - files are saved as native Excel files.
● Fast leaning curve and low cost of introduction.
● Reduced spreadsheet errors and cost of rework.
● Excellent value.

ExcelCalcs gives the whole organisation a productivity gain and competitive advantage. Please contact us to discuss bringing ExcelCalcs to your corporation;

XLC 07_09 is Released
XLC time out does not affect XLC Pro subscribers but XLC version 04_09 is about to time out for XLC Ed subscribers. To continue using the software XLC Ed users must reinstall the latest version of the software XLC version 07_09. The latest version includes a number of small bug fixes and it is recommended that all users upgrade.

Beware - Spot Checks for Commercial Users
Commercial users of the software are required to take an XLC Pro subscription. We’ll be running a check on users who have multiple re-subscriptions to an XLC Ed plan and multiple downloads of XLC. We will write to ask them to subscribe to an XLC pro plan or to demonstrate that they are non commercial users.

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Topic/Forum Latest post author
ASCE705S.xls Show most recent message It was discovered in all 3 snow loading workbooks (ASCE705S.xls, ASCE702S.xls, and ASCE798.xls) that the sketch at the bottom of the calculation page as well as the sketch off of the calculation page to the right were displaying the calculated snow drift length, "w", when they should have ...It was brought to my attention that in the "ASCE705S.xls" workbook on snow loading, I inadvertently had the user input cell for "Type of Roof" locked, so that the input pick box could not be utilized. Thus, you were stuck with the "Monoslope" roof selection. I have
Forum : Repository Discussion
ASCE798S.xls Show most recent message
Forum : Repository Discussion
ASCE705I.xls Show most recent message
Forum : Repository Discussion
MONORAIL.xls Show most recent message A few incorrect cell references were brought to my attention in the "MONORAIL.xls" workbook. Off of the main calculation page to the right for the Y-axis stress ratio, the cell references in cells BB90, BB13, and BE13 were not using "fby(total)", only "fby", and thu....
Forum : Repository Discussion
Run Time error 1004 - Select method of Range class failed Show most recent message I have been aware of this problem for a while 3350Craig. It occurs particularly when you cut and paste from one sheet to the next. I actually cured the problem a while ago and it should not happen for the latest version XLC 07_09 which I have just uploaded to the site. Thanks for reporting these err...
Forum : XLC Issues
incellchart.pngIn Cell Charts Show most recent message This thread is about In Cell charts (http://www.excelcalcs.com/ExcelCalcsTV/videodirectlink/40-in-cell-charts/) video. Make compact charts inside worksheet cells using Excel's REPT() function and Excel's conditional formatting.
Forum : ExcelCalcs TV
Gannt.pngEasy Excel Gannt Charts Show most recent message This thread is about Easy Excel Gannt charts (http://www.excelcalcs.com/ExcelCalcsTV/videodirectlink/41-easy-excel-gannt-charts/) video. How to make Gannt charts using the Excel REPT() function.
Forum : ExcelCalcs TV
Copy and Paste via ExcelCalcs Show most recent message I am working on some new functionality for ExcelCalcs to copy and paste formulas from a website. Here is a test page (http://www.excelcalcs.com/developments/formulae/)...
Forum : Website Issues
"ExcelCalcs" videos [Page: 1,2,3] Show most recent message The problem appears to be playing wmv files on an embedded windows media player on a web page. I don't have the problem apparently using the same versions of the windows media player and browser so I am perplexed. It may have something to do with the video codecs on your machine compared to mine but I am not entirely sure. I would be interested to know if anyone else is having problems similar to yours. As a work around I have uploaded all the videos to the ExcelCalcs You Tube Channel so you can view any videos there. I think this is the best I can offer at the moment.
Forum : Website Issues
BOEF.xls [Page: 1,2] Show most recent message Thanks for the great explanation. Another question, if I am designing a slab on grade, should I input a width equal to the calculated estimated slab width on the right side of the screen? I'm assuming this is the effective width for supporting point loads.
Forum : Repository Discussion
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