You Always Think You Are Right!

"You always think you are right!" is something we may have had levelled against us (usually in arguments with partners) but as engineers we not only need to think we are right we need to prove we are right. Validation is the art of providing evidence to demonstrate that a calculation is correct and it is strongly encouraged here at ExcelCalcs. Traditional ways of validating engineering calculations are:

  1. Reproduction of a published calculation.
  2. Reaching the same answer by an alternate method.
  3. Independent checking or peer review. offers tools to help you validate your own engineering calculations.

  1. Use XLC to check cell formulas against equations in text books.
  2. Use XLC to publish the calculation method so that it is easily verifiable for an independent checker.
  3. Use the ExcelCalcs rating system to identify good calculation downloads.
  4. Use the ExcelCalcs comment system to ask questions of calculation authors.
  5. Use ExcelCalcs version history button to check that the calculation is being updated and maintained by the author.
  6. Subscribe to an ExcelCalcs calculation so that you are emailed should the calculation be updated.
  7. Check the author credentials using the “more submitted by this user” link to check how many calculations are published by the author and how they have been rated.
  8. Follow the ExcelCalcs Good Calculation Guide and copy methods that have been employed by popular authors.
  9. Publish your calculations at ExcelCalcs to invite peer comments and improve your own work.
  10. Use the site users menu to track your downloads, ratings, updates and, if you are an author, to track your uploads.

Given that anyone can donate calculations to ExcelCalcs we offer no warranty however our authors are typically very knowledgeable engineers and proud enough of their work that they want to share it we us. We are very grateful to all of them.

Training & Subscription Deals for Corporate Clients

  • Minimum 20 people.
  • 12 months full access to site and software.
  • Customised training from course modules delivered on-site anywhere in the world.

Atlas Copco in Texas have signed up 40 users who will be trained in a course of their own choosing (AWS Methods For Fatigue Assessment) delivered on their site over 4 days. The cost is just $300USD per person. Please contact us to discuss customising an ExcelCalcs course for your own organisation.

Free ExcelCalcs Seminar - UK & USA

ExcelCalcs TourJohn Doyle the ExcelCalcs creator is presenting a free seminar to discuss his passion for traditional hand calculations and how they are still the best way for engineers to understand and provide solutions to their problems. Blind reliance on engineering analysis software is dangerous without having some expectation of the result (rubbish in and rubbish out no matter how clever the software is). Understanding the underlying mathematics gives us our engineering feel for a problem and we lose our classical calculation skills at our peril. We'll present some of the resources we offer engineers to make abd share calculations and be giving out free XLC Pro Day Passes to anyone who shows up - so sign up before we fill up.

Location Harrogate, UK Wednesday 25th May 2011 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Email to reserve your place.

Location Dallas, Texas, USA Wednesday 20th June 2011 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.  Email to reserve your place.

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