ExcelCalcs Boldly Goes...ExcelCalcs Welcomes Aeronautical Engineer Richard Abbott  - Richard Abbott boldly goes where no other ExcelCalcs User has gone before by uploading some Aerospace calculations. It's a small world because as it turns out I used to work with Richard's eminent engineering father, Barrie Abbott. Richard used to own and run his own commercial recording studio but his engineering genes got the better of him and he now runs Abbott Aerospace an independent consultancy company offering structural engineering services the aerospace industry. He is based in London, Ontario, Canada.

I was delighted to receive his lug analysis spreadsheet because I'll use it frequently to analyse pinned joints. Thanks to Richard's spreadsheet the whole process is automated and made easy for me.

How to Go XLC Pro? - All the following calculations featured below earned a free XLC Pro subscription for their authors. Why not earn one for yourself or if you have not got time you can support the site by paying $90USD for an XLC Pro subscription.

FileAerospace_lug_analysis.xls New!

This method of assessment involves reading coefficients from graphical data for use in subsequent equations. The spreadsheet automates all the curve reading to determine the proof and ultimate strength of lugs in an expedient manner. The spreadsheet has been produced by Abbott Aerospace an independent consultancy company offering structural engineering services the aerospace industry. You can contact them by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 FileLaminate_Stress_Strain_Analysis.xls  New!

Laminate_Stress_Strain_Analysis.png The User input cells are light blue background with bold dark blue text.
The thickness column over rides the material lamina thicknesses - for use with core materials
The Strain approach includes damage effects, the stress approach does not
Any comments or error reports are appreciated
The Biaxial strain envelope is typically conservative for biaxial compression
The Mohr's circle approach is typically conservative for shear
The interacted margin of safety is for the Mohr's circle method
All material data is typical - may not be accurate

The spreadsheet has been produced by Abbott Aerospace an independent consultancy company offering structural engineering services the aerospace industry. You can contact them by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




FileJOIST.xls  Updated!


 In the "JOIST.xls" workbook in the "K-Joist Analysis" worksheet it was discovered that in a few cells I had an inadvertent and undesirable extra space at the end of the 2 numbers in the table representing the allowable total and live loads for the joist sizes and spans. What the extra space did was prevent the program from correctly extracting the second number (live load) from the table. These few occurrences were very obvious to the user due to the erroneous single digit value which was displayed for the distributed live load (WLL) in the calculation page. By the way, the load table in the "LH-Joist Analysis" worksheet was also checked for the presence of any of the extra spaces and none were found.

The current version of this workbook is now 1.4.


FileColebrook_White.xls  New!


Purpose of calculation: To determine the Velocity & Flow of water through pipes of varying diameter, slope & material.
Calculation Reference: In accordance with Australian Standard AS2200-2006 "Design charts for water supply and sewerage".
Calculation Validation: Hydraulic Capacity Design Charts (readily available); AS2200-2006 "Design charts for water supply and sewerage"

Adam Dennaoui

FileMotor_Temperature_Calc.xls  New!


Excel spreadsheet to determine the temperature affect on DC & Brushless DC motors. Based on whitepaper by Edward Hage. http://www.specamotor.com/pdf/overheating_white_paper.pdf

Clyde ()

Download double counting with Internet Explorer - Some research has also shown that users navigating with IE (Microsoft's Internet Explorer) may double count the download a file from if the site not in the users's trusted zone. Here is some further information on this here. Unfortunately it does not offer a solution. My only suggestion is for IE users to place www.ExcelCalcs.com in their trusted zone to avoid the problem altogether.

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