0 ContainersFiles in Rainfall
Storm water runoff calculations.
Calculation Reference Strorm Water Design
To calculate stormwater runoff and appropriately size a ...
This is a simple pond size estimator for the Civil Engineering Stormwater modeling. Based on a square pond. Please note that this spreadsheet is...
For the Civil Engineering Stormwater modeling field, this calculates Water Quality volume for the Florida area (based on SJRWMD require...
For the Civil Engineering Stormwater modeling field, this spreadsheet calculates the time of concentration (based on TR-55 methodology and restri...
Part 1 - General information
- Select the Criteria for design (ex: City of Houston) This is done by selecting the pulldown list bo...
Weir Design and AutoCAD Export
The tool helps you design a Kriger shaped weir and results are displyed in a form which can be exported to AutoCAD to help you prep...
Flood Frequency Analysis By Gumble & Log Pearson III
Flood frequency analysis is a technique used by hydrologists to predict flow values corresponding to specific return periods or pro...
Soakaway Design to BRE Digest 365 2016
Soakaway design to BRE Digest 365 2016. Calculates the capacity utilisation and time to empty to 50% for a selected soakaway size, using imperviou...
Determination of Stormwater Peak Flow in a Catchment Area
Determination of Stormwater Peak Flow in a Caent Area, example a a gully catchment or a dam catchement area. Stormwater peak f...
Storm Water Drain Pipe Calculation
Storm Water Drain Pipe Calculation as per UN 9284-01 Part 2.
Find out how hard it rains: Check how intense the rain can get in y...