AlexTomanovich.jpgOccasionally we find tremendously useful resources on the internet, such was the case when I came upon Alex Tomanovich's spreadsheets.

You'll find Alex's Excel Gold by following these links:

ASCE798S - ASCE 7-98 Code Snow Loading Analysis
ASCE702S - ASCE 7-02 Code Snow Loading Analysis
ASCE798W - ASCE 7-98 Code Wind Analysis
ASCE702W - ASCE 7-02 Code Wind Analysis
BASEPLT9 - Base Plate Analysis per AISC 9th Ed. (ASD)
BEAMANAL - Single-Span and Continuous-Span Beam Analysis
BEAMCOL9 - Steel Beam/Column Analysis/Code Check (ASD)
BEAMTAB - Beam End Connection Using Beam Tab per AISC 9th Ed. (ASD)
BMREACT - Beam Allowable End Reaction and End Moment Analysis
BMREINF9 - Steel Beam Reinforcement Analysis/Code Check (ASD)
BOEF - Beam on Elastic Foundation Analysis
BOLTGRP - Bolt Group and Bolt Stress Analysis per AISC 9th Ed. (ASD)
CLIPCONN - Beam End Connection Using Clip Angles per AISC 9th Ed. (ASD)
ClipConnTable - Beam Connection Table – Clip Angles Welded or Bolted to Beam
CONVCALC - Conversion Calculator for “ft-in-fraction” and Metric Arithmetic
IBC2003E - IBC 2003 Code Seismic Analysis
IBC2000E - IBC 2000 Code Seismic Analysis
PLATECAP - Axial Load Capacities for Single Plates
RECTBEAM - Rectangular Concrete Beam Analysis/Design per ACI 318-99
PRYING9 - Prying Action Analysis per AISC 9th Ed. (ASD)
SIMEQN - Simultaneous Equation Solver for up to 10x10 Equations/Unknowns
FOOTINGS - Rectangular Spread Foundation Analysis
XBRACING - Analysis of Vertical Bents with Tension-only X-bracing
FRAME - Portal and Gable Rigid Plane Frame Analysis (stiffness matrix method)
INTERPOL - Routine for Linear Interpolation between Values in a Table
SECTPROP - Section Properties and General Stress Analysis Program
WELDGRP - Weld Group Analysis per AISC 9th Ed. (ASD)
GRDSLAB - Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis for Post and Wheel Loading
JOIST - Steel Joist Analysis
PILEGRP - Pile Group Analysis
POLYNOM - Roots Solver for Quadratic, Cubic, and Quadratic Equations
FLRPLATE - Steel Checkered Floor Plate Design (ASD)
STIFFENER - Steel Beam Stiffener Analysis for Concentrated Loads (ASD)
WEIGHTS - Pipe Weight and Tank Volume and Weight Calculator
PONDING9 - Ponding Analysis per AISC 9th Ed. (ASD)
REBARS - Reinforcing Bar Development and Splice Lengths per ACI 318-99 -
POLEFDN - Pole Foundation Analysis
TRIANGLE - Triangle Solutions
Loan Amortization - Loan Amortization
AISCProp13.0 - AISC 13th Edition member properties in tabular form
BRGPLT9 - analysis of beam bearing plates per AISC 9th Edition (ASD)
MOVLOADS - Analysis of simple-span members subjected to from 1 to 8 moving wheel loads.
MONORAIL - Analysis of beam end connections using a tab plate per AISC 9th Edition (ASD)
ENDPLMC9 - Analysis and design of 4-tension bolt and 8-tension bolt moment connections
DECKSLAB - Analysis and design of slabs on metal deck
AISCPROP and AISCPROP13 - AISC Member Database (from AISC CD Database, 2001)
AISC Properties Viewer and AISC 13.0 Properties Viewer - AISC Member Dimensions and Section Properties Viewer

Image You'll be interested to know that Alex sells software for Structural Engineers that runs on HP Handheld calculators (HP50g, HP49G and HP49g). Click for further Details.

Image I tracked Alex down to thank him for his wonderful work and goodwill. Alex told me "I immigrated from Europe (Yugoslavia) to the U.S. in 1952, when I was 3 years old. I became a naturalized citizen after 7 years, and I grew up for the most part in Indianapolis, Indiana. I graduated from Rose-Hulman Institute in Terre Haute, Indiana in 1971 with a BSCE degree with a structural major. I'm 58 years old and been a practicing structural engineer for 36 years. My experience is primarily in heavy industry and manufacturing. I'm a registered PE in 8 states. As far as any past accomplishments worthy of note, many years ago, I developed several PE exam problems which were accepted into the pool of potential NCEE exam problems, highlighted by 5 of them appearing on the April, 1977 NCEE PE exam. Also, I had developed 3 structural engineering plug-in software cards for the HP48 handheld calculator/computer system, which were marketed nationally for me from 1993-2002. Like most, I'm self taught in MS-Excel, and have been programming in it since 2000, porting over many of the works that I had done on the HP48. My hobbies are bass fishing, exercise, watching sports and movies, music, customizing / driving my 2005 Chevrolet SSR convertible pickup truck, and last but not least.....programming."

Attention Structural Engineers with HP Calculators

ImageExcelCalcs author Alex Tomanovich develops software for HP hand held calculators if his software is as good as his spreadsheets they will be essential items to all Structural Engineers. Alex writes:

In the past I developed 3 structural engineering software plug-in cards for use in the HP48GX scientific handheld calculator. These 3 software cards were originally marketed for me by Surveyors’ Module Inc. (SMI), and later by Eagle Point Software. These cards were marketed from 1993 – 2002, which basically paralleled the life of the HP48GX calculator.
I have just recently completed porting over all of the libraries found on the 3 cards mentioned above, as well as several other useful structural engineering programs and utilities that I developed for use on the new HP50g scientific calculator. Please note that all these programs will also work in the HP49G and HP49g+ calculators as well.
I am now offering all of these programs for a package price of $125.00. What you will receive is a CD containing 44 structural engineering program libraries, and 6 miscellaneous libraries pertaining to math related utilities, hydraulics, and financial programs. On this CD you will also receive PDF file copies of my 3 original structural engineering software card manuals, as well as MS-Word or text file format documentation for all of the other libraries found on the CD. (PLEASE NOTE that the attached photos are of the original software manuals that I developed for the HP48 system, and are shown for reference only. You will NOT receive hard copies of the manuals, just the electronic PDF file copies on CD.) I will also include a custom menu (CST) variable on the CD to be loaded in the HOME directory of your calculator which will facilitate in accessing and running all of these programs.
Plus as a BONUS, on the CD I will include a copy of the public domain EMU48 emulator software of the HP48GX calculator for the PC, in which I have installed all 50 of these programs in a 2mb electronic memory card in the emulator itself. I have included an easy installation instruction file, which will help you get the emulator installed. Once installed, you will be able to access and run all 50 of these programs on your PC as well as your handheld.
Again, that’s 50 programs to run on both your handheld and your PC for $125.00…..$2.50 per program!
NOTE: you MUST have a PC/HP calculator interface cable to download all these files to the HP calculator. However, in the case of either the HP50g or the HP49g+, you may use an SD plug-in memory card instead to transfer all the files from the PC to the calculator.
The following is a listing and description of the program libraries including in this package:

Structural Engineering and Miscellaneous Programs for HP49G/HP49g+/HP50g Calculators:
  Name Library Description
1 STEELDES 1500 Structural steel design equation library
2 CONCDES 1501 Reinforced concrete design equation library
3 STRUCTRL 1502 General structural analysis equation library
4 BEAMCOL9 1503 AISC 9th (ASD) Edition beam and column analysis
5 BASEPLT9 1504 AISC 9th (ASD) Edition column base plate analysis
6 AISCPROP 1505 AISC 9th Edition shapes database
7 BEAMANAL 1506 Single-span beam analysis
8 FOOTINGS 1507 Spread foundation analysis
9 RETWALLS 1508 Cantilever retaining wall analysis
10 PILEGRP 1509 Pile group analysis (elastic method)
11 RECTBEAM 1510 Rectangular reinforced concrete beam (ACI 318-99)
12 RECTCOL 1511 Rectangular reinforced concrete column (ACI 318-99)
13 SECTPROP 1512 Section properties analysis
14 CONTBEAM 1513 Continuous-span beam analysis (up to 10 spans)
15 BOLTGRP 1514 Bolt group analysis (elastic method)
16 WELDGRP 1515 Weld group analysis (elastic method)
17 SHTPILE 1516 Sheet piling wall analysis (cantilevered/anchored)
18 ROUNDCOL 1517 Round reinforced concrete column (ACI 318-99)
19 STEELDAT 1518 Structural steel data and tables (ASD)
20 REBARS 1519 Reinforcing bars data and tables (ACI-318-99)
21 CONV 1520 Conversion utilities
22 XBRACING 1521 Tension-only x-braced bent analysis
23 CORBELS 1522 Reinforced concrete corbels and brackets
24 STEPCOL 1523 Step column effective length analysis
25 BOLTS 1524 Bolt combined stress per AISC 9th Ed. (ASD)
26 MOMBASES 1525 Moment base analysis
27 COMPDES9 1526 Composite design per AISC 9th Ed. (ASD)
28 MOVLOADS 1527 Moving loads analysis
29 BOXFRAME 1528 Box frame analysis by moment distribution
30 COVPLCOL 1529 Cover plated WF column properties
31 BOEF 1530 Beam on elastic foundation analysis
32 BEAMWT 1531 WF beam with WT shape reinforcing (ASD)
33 ENDPLTMC 1532 4-tension bolt end plate moment connections (ASD)
34 DYNFDN 1533 Dynamic analysis of vibrating equip. foundations
35 HPRESS 1534 Horizontal wall pressures from point/line loads
36 MASONRY 1535 Reinforced masonry analysis (beam and wall)
37 ASCEWIND 1536 ASCE 7-98 wind loading for low-rise buildings
38 XBRACE 1537 Indeterminate x-braced bent analysis (tens./comp.)
39 POLEFDN 1538 Pole foundation analysis for rigid free-top piers
40 CSOG 1539 Concrete slab on grade analysis (unreinforced)
41 KFACTOR 1540 Effective length factors for steel columns
42 BRACE 1495 Single diagonal brace (length and forces)
43 SECTIONS 1498 Section properties equation library
44 AISC7TH 1499 AISC 7th Edition shapes (not in AISC 9th Edition)
45 TRIANGLE 1307 General and right triangle solutions
46 SIMEQN 1309 Simultaneous equations solver
47 LINT 1187 Linear interpolation
48 HYDRA 1011 Hydraulics equation library (Manning formula)
49 TVM 1270 Time value of money/amortization equation lib.
50 TVM50G 1271 Time value of money/amortization (uses built-in TVM)

Notes: 1. Libraries 1500-1502 (items 1 - 3) make up the original Structural Engineering Equation Card (SEEC)

2. Libraries 1503-1511 (items 4 - 12) make up the original Structural Engineering Program Card (SEPC)

3. Libraries 1512-1520 (items 13 - 21) make up the original Structural Engineering Program Card 2 (SEPC2)

4. All of the above libraries may be loaded into the HP49G calculator emulator to run on the PC. The HP49G

emulator is available combined with an HP48GX emulator and an HP49G editor in a product called,

HPUserEdit 4, which is available as a download from the website


Methods of Payment Accepted:

  1. Personal Check (drawn on USA banks only)
  2. Cashier’s Check or Money Order
  3. PayPal.

Contact Alex Tomanovich, P.E. for ordering details.

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